Corporate Social Responsibility


Our  Sustainability Strategy

We embrace sustainability in all our investments.

Climate change is one of the top long-term issues for us. As risks mount and the world transitions to a net zero economy, we believe that an investment approachs that consider climate risk and other sustainability factors could lead to better long-term outcomes . We also make sustainability the standard for how we manage our clients’ money. We align our business models to the emerging global ambition for the Paris Agreement’s goal.

We’re responding by deploying our four-part sustainability strategy, which addresses environmental, social and governance issues. It also allows us to meet today’s changing power management needs while making good on our mission to improve the quality of life and the environment.

Nuave modifies processes on an ongoing, regular basis in order to reduce the impact on the environment, including the reduction or elimination of emission of carbon foot print, certain chemicals used in, and wastes generated from, operations.

We are committed to additionality, meaning renewable energy procurement that adds new renewable energy onto the grid. We target emissions reduction . We plan to advance the transition to a renewable energy economy . We will align our businesses with important trends in sustainability, digitalization and connectivity, electrification and energy transition. We will make financially sound decisions by evaluating renewable energy opportunities competitively and recognize the urgency in responding to climate change.

Nuave voluntarily improve air quality for people of the region. Such as NuHaus uses the solar panels on roofs of the buildings for energy savings and emissions reductions related to roofing.
Students Support Program

Nuave support and mentor students, Nuave’s education support program provides content, connections, insights and expertise to university master and PhD students interested in entrepreneurship, and supports student founders from idea to growth stage .

Through this program Nuave aims to make the higher and quality education available for succesfull and talented students. Our programs include mentorship, training and networking  and support student founders from idea to growth stage help them to access to resources and opportunities for growth by investing in the incubators and accelerators that specifically serve them. Through the program, we are looking for to support diverse young people, with an eye towards regional and national impact.

We aim to attract especially the talented foreign master and PhD students to Germany for their education, and provide accommodation for them, increasing their living standards, facilitating the life and by this means to attract them to stay in Germany in their further career. The center will also provide technical and material help for the students like a print center, wireless access, and study rooms. In this center students can collaborate on their studies and shares each other knowledge or develop projects or make researches.  After the graduation they may become a member of Nuave Investments or the German industry. By this means Nuave is planning to attract more young talents to get higher education and employ them in house. The program aims to focus especially in the areas needed for the future development of the Germany like information technologies, biotechnology, etc.

Local Community Engagement

We are aiming to be a major employer and will be a significant contributor to the local tax base.

In turn, these communities will be a source of local talents and resources that enable our operation.

In 2022, we prioritized communication and engagement with leaders in these communities, recognizing the mutually dependent relationship that we enjoy.

It is important to us to convey how we will improve our community it is our one of the goal to strengthen relationships between p community leaders.